What is A.U.R.A.?

A.U.R.A. is a type of self-healing hypnosis modality and past life regression that incorporates practices of Quantum Alchemy and Angelic Energies. Quantum Alchemy is an integration of ancient and sacred alchemy symbols with energy work.

This unique process creates a deep connection to higher realms where we can connect with your Higher Self and spirit guides to provide deep soul healing and gain the answers you seek to help you with your journey here on Earth.

How A.U.R.A. Works

With AURA, I set the container and guide you through the invisible realm (with the aid of your Higher Self and guides) to receive advanced knowledge about how to navigate important areas of your life — from career to love to fulfilling your greatest purpose — and get to the root causes of emotional and physical illness and heal those imbalances at a spiritual level.

Each session is unique to the soul seeking guidance/healing which means that there are infinite possibilities for your unique journey. Your most benevolent guides and ancestors lead the way, deciding where we’ll travel to and who we will meet for your highest good at this time and space.

Aside from working with your Higher Self, your healing session may also include the aid of certain Archangels, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and other guides who would like to help.

A.U.R.A. is considered a self-healing hypnosis modality by which we are able to access the invisible realm through the theta brain wave. It is at this specific level of brain wave activity, (experienced in deep meditative, relaxed states and moments after you wake up or before falling asleep), that it is easiest to drop into what you can consider a “lucid daydream”; it is the realm of your subconscious. In this state we can move away from the ego/logical mind and travel quantumly through life times and multiple dimensions.

In this trance (theta), the subconscious mind hears and makes changes, but the conscious mind may or may not remember what was said. It is the unconscious mind, however, that listens and remembers in any level of trance and is making the changes, so it is not necessary to consciously remember what was said. The healing and reprogramming is taking place. 

All you have to do is lay down, get comfy and flow - knowing that your guides will take care of everything.

A Word From Your Guide

"The start of a person’s spiritual journey is tough to lock down seeing as how we are spiritual by nature - however, I do recall one of the first moments of awakening in my life where I was able to see beyond my pain and the pain of the world. I was shown through plant medicine during my first time outside of the continent in 2008. I traveled through every terrible thing I “knew” to be wrong with the world looking for answers, looking for a reason why these things happen. And in the midst of losing hope I asked to be shown the key to breaking the terrible spell the world was under. I was shown love. Flashes of moments came flooding back, but now I could see how this medicine healed and brought peace to all. It’s cheesy, I know, but from that day forward my whole life changed. Everything I experienced, I could never forget. Because I experienced it. I saw it and felt it and understood life from a different perspective. And because of that I also engaged with the world differently. 

Since then I’ve been committed to learning more, healing more and being an overall loyal student of life. This led me to many silent meditation retreats, the completion of intensive personal development workshops/curriculum, Ayahuasca ceremonies in the jungles of Tulum, my initiation into the shamanic Pachakuti Mesa traditions of ancient Peru and now energy worker and certified AURA practitioner. 

None of this is coincidence. 

The mere curiosity and desire to heal and make better choices in my life brought literal miracles and completely shifted timelines for me.

The deep healing one can experience from a multidimensional “unseen” space is mind blowing. And it is my hope that if you are reading this, you have also come to this understanding and are ready to dive in. Plus, with this modality, we are able to journey and experience deep self healing WITHOUT the plant medicine.

In my experience, the path to freedom and peace is real and achievable. 

Part of my mission here is to share what I know to have worked for me and hopefully empower others to learn and heal themselves too. My path by no means makes me an expert or teacher. I am merely a guide."

Session Info


1:1 Quantum Healing Journey with Ev  |  4-5hrs  |  $444


1) Consultation - where we discuss what's been coming up and get familiar with each other (30-45 min) 

2) Initial Energy Work - to prepare the body and assist with connection to the Higher Self and Guides (30min)

3) Guided Journey/Past Life Regression - where you are shown one or more previous incarnations, or other spiritual dimensions, that hold keys for your highest healing at this now time and space (30-60min)

4) Connection with Your Higher Self + Guides - we ask direct questions to address issues/concerns that came up during our Consultation (30-60min)

5) Deep Energetic Clearing (Limpia) - we do a thorough energetic clearing/reset making sure to remove anything that may be creating blocks, challenges or illness in your life (60min)

+ ​Plus receive a simple energetic shielding practice you can do daily to keep your field clear and maintain your energetic sovereignty

NOTE: Sessions are done remotely via Zoom. In-person sessions are only available to those in the Los Angeles area (if you would like your in-person session to be recorded, please make sure your phone is fully charged, we use Voice Notes).

Session Support

List of things that may be addressed during a session:

  • Connection with loved ones who have passed over (including pets)
  • Support with ancestralization of anyone who has not safely crossed over
  • Connection with benevolent guides and spirit animals
  • Removal of curses/hexes
  • Healing from trauma at the root level
  • Identify and self heal dis-ease at the energetic root level (mental, physical, emotional)
  • Retrieval of lost soul fragments
  • Past life healing and integration
  • Removal of harmful programs at the DNA level 
  • Removal of negative entities and technologies
  • Removal of negative energetic cords/attachments 
  • Contracts and lessons within relationship dynamics (why you chose your mother, lover, child, etc)
  • Blocked or misaligned chakras 
  • Support with creative projects, visions and purpose

How To Prepare

1. Uninterrupted safe space where you can lay down (only you and non-disruptive pets in the home is best)

2. Detox/Dieta - no meats, dairy or alcohol/drugs at least 3 days prior to your session (prescribed medication is okay)

3. Have a light meal - do not show up hungry or full

4. Limit your caffeine intake before your session

5. Materials - have a journal, water, a new/unused white candle and any other sacred objects, crystal allies, etc. that you feel called to have with you, plus an eye mask or something you can cover your eyes with

6. Cleanse the body - shower with the intent to wash away any negative energies

7. Dress very comfortably in light colored clothing (closer to white) and minimal jewelry

8. Stay hydrated

9. Write down or meditate on an intention - why are you choosing this for yourself now?

10. Prepare a short list of questions (optional) - these will be reviewed during our Consultation and covered in our session (include all that you would like support with); you may also wish to leave the container open for whatever wants to naturally come through.

Client Testimonials

"My healing impacted me in a big way. Since then I feel more alive and alert of just life in general. Which is a really good experience to feel. Ev’s approach was really welcoming and I felt very safe and protected through the whole healing session. I would 100% recommend an AURA session, it’s really a great eye opening experience that everyone should experience at least once."

"My healing session gave me much needed clarity on my life circumstances at the time and the months following. It allowed me to tune into my intuition, as I strengthened my connection to my higher self during the session. I was able to feel more confident about the decisions I was making for myself because I was coming from a place of deeper knowing. I have told many people about my experience. Often times remarking on the lessons I took away from it that still ring true to this day. I believe it is something everyone should experience in this life."

"I sought past life healing because I felt like there was an unconscious block that was in the way of me seeing clearly and wanted to get to the root of it. I understood that trauma and healing goes deep and even beyond this lifetime and so I was very curious. The regression then had me work on a fear I had been carrying since childhood. And having since see and understand that fear during my session, I have felt a deeper connection to spirit and my higher self who is actually always with us. Embodying this connection and trust is a game changer for me and continues to influence my expansion and awareness in my everyday life. I perceive things in a more lighthearted and purposeful way. Blessings and opportunities have also made their way towards me and I am very grateful for that. If you are one to be down for an Aura session, prepare for blessings that are already underway. Ev is an amazing guide for healing work. I have worked with her in retreats where she held such loving space for myself and others and it was no different in my one on one AURA session."

"My healing session was great. I had no idea where this session would take me or what areas even needed healing. It helped me heal deep wounds and this assisted me in opening my heart in ways I did not know were possible. I have since been able to get through some grief and open my heart without as much fear and my relationships have been more meaningful and connected since this healing session.

Ev made a safe environment for me. Her calm and collected self made me feel protected as she guided me through the healing experience, you can feel her genuine love and care. I was able to just let go and not worry where this session would take me because I knew I was in good hands.

It was life changing and I am grateful I got to experience this session. It helped me more than I could have imagined."

Book A Session

Scheduling: Share a few dates you are interested in (at least one week in advance). Ideally we would want to get you booked on a day off or when you have no commitments and can rest and integrate the rest of the day. 

Payment: Once we agree on a date/time, we take care of payment to lock it in. You are welcome to make multiple payments leading up to your session based on need.

Rescheduling: Please note there are no refunds for cancellations. If for any reason you need to reschedule, please give at least 48hr notice and retain credit for a future time.

Questions: If you have questions prior to booking, you can schedule a free 20min Discovery Call here <3 

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